Part of Group Show “Wet Incantation” Sept 5- Dec 9, 2024
Sheppard Contemporary, University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV Homunculus colored pencil on paper, stained glass, solder, found objects, fishing line, rocks from Pyramid Lake Reno, NV 2024
This piece interprets language as a human phenomenon that allows us to cycle words and histories throughout generations in order to make sense of a collective + individual experience of the world. In a similar way, water is cycled throughout the land and carries with it information about where it has been and where it is going. The camouflage pattern on the lips are appropriated from different WWII military uniforms, and point to the way humans can mimic patterns in nature for destructive ends and similarily, language can be manipulated as a weapon to distort history and destroy life. Unlike mazes, which typically have an entrance + exit, confusing dead ends, and lots of fabricated disorientation, labyrinths have one path that leads towards the center and then out again, and are designed for thoughtful meandering. The labyrinth at the heart of the Homunculus acts as the archetype for the connection between language + water